Thursday, May 7, 2009


Well Zakry will be 8 months old tomorrow. It's crazy how fast time flies. When Morgan was 8 months old she was crawling all over and almost pulling up to a stand. Zakry has just mastered the whole sitting up thing and is pretty steady now. It's funny. Although he is a very hyper baby and he never wants to sit still, he hasn't been determined enough to crawl or even roll all over the floor for that matter. He can roll, but he doesn't really choose to roll to get to what he wants.
It's so funny how different him and Morgan are.
Anyway, I think that Zakry is very close to crawling. He sits on his bottom and he rocks himself until he either rocks to his belly or he rocks and scoots himself slowly across the floor. He can move several feet just by scooting on his bottom.
He also has figured out when he's laying down he can use his feet to push himself across the floor, whether he's on his back or his belly. He pushes his feet agains the floor and moves. This has all just started basically today.
So I can see crawling and walking in the very near future.
He really is a great baby. He's so fun and I really wouldn't mind it if he stayed this age forever. He's so fun and he's not into everything yet. It's great. To me it's the best age ever. :)
Morgan is at a great age too though. She listens pretty well and stays out of most things she knows she's not supposed to mess with and she's also very fun and of course is a blast to talk to. She's got the funniest things to say.
Well that's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to come to you for lots of advice when my turn comes in the kiddie world. ;-)
