Monday, March 2, 2009

Sick again!

Both kids are sick AGAIN! I can't believe it. This has been the worst cold/flu season ever! Now they are both very cranky, runny noses, coughing...Morgan was running fever...etc. I am taking them both to the docs today to see what's up. I'm supposing it's just viral and of course there's nothing they can do for that. So $40 later, a 40 minute drive each way later and 2 or more hours taken out of my day and probably no medicines for them. :( I love that my doctor doesn't just throw out meds easily but it's frustrating when your kids are sick and there's nothing you can do for them.

I'm ready to just go on a long vacation and on my way out the door i'll spray a whole bunch of lysol everywhere and hopefully decontaminate the house. I need something to really help the kids' immune systems so they will stop getting sick! Any suggestions?!

As for me, hopefully I don't get sick. And hopefully Rob doesn't get sick. He already has such a stiff neck he didn't think he could even work today...and then I bumped my head really hard on the corner of the phone bill drop box...ouch! Right on my temple and I have a big bump and a headache.

Wow...what a whiny complainy post! Sorry! :)

1 comment:

  1. Awe, sorry the kiddos have been sick! That's always annoying. I used to have a HORRIBLE immune system, but thanks to working in the hospitals/ER I think that helped me building a better immune system. Have you ever tried using Emergen C, or Airborne? Anytime I feel that I'm getting sick, I take it and it works like a charm. I *think* they have a children's version... Just some ideas.

    I know what you mean about vacation. I'd like to just pack up and come back on the wedding day and everything be ALL finished, HAHA...right. ;-)
