Saturday, March 28, 2009

Quote of the day:

Actual conversation

Morgan: "Mommy, I wanna go to school"
Mommy: "Sorry, chick, you gotta wait a few years"
Morgan: ..."I not a chicky, I morgan"


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Quote of the day:

We were on a walk and there is a pretty nice size ditch with a small creek running through it. Morgan said "Mommy, look, water!....We need a boat!! Where's the boat!!??"

Quote of the day:

"Look, mommy, I love that house, it's sooo cool!...Mommy can we make a house?....I love building" - She is her daddy's daughter!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Quote of the day:

Poppie was laying on the couch in pain from some medical testing he had done and he was moaning and then he got up and said he was going to the bathroom. Morgan proceeded to lay down in his spot on the couch and imitated Poppie, saying
"It hurts, it hurts...I need to go potty, I mean go to the bathroom"
Morgan certaintly pays attention to everything we're doing, for sure.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Zakry is sleeping like a charm!

For the past 2 nights neither child has woke up at all. Zakry has slept 12 hour straight for the past two nights. Before that he was waking anywhere from 1 to 3 times a night still!Since I stopped propping a bottle in Zakry's mouth and letting him cry it out to go to sleep, he's been the best baby ever! Zakry was a HORRIBLE baby for the first 3.5 months and he got a little better after that, but now for about the last 2 weeks, other than having a little sickness/ear infection, he has been INCREDIBLE! I mean the best baby ever. Very rarely cries. He's learned to jump in his jumperoo and play with toys some. He's so much happier now! I really wanted to enjoy his baby days since he may be our last baby but I haven't really been able to enjoy him until now. Now he could just stay this size forever (but don't you know, he'll grow faster than ever now!)And Morgan is just way too smart! She's as cute as ever but sooooo honry lately! She's learned to put her new shoes on by herself without help and has been doing that like crazy.This morning she came to me and said Mommy, it's 8o'clock. And I looked at the clock and sure enough it really was 8:02. I have no idea how she knew this. I think she was just saying it...but it scared me a little that she is really that smart! LoL...she's only 2!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Morgan walked to the neighbors to play!

I know this sounds like an everyday average thing, but it felt so weird seeing my baby girl walking down to the neighbors to play. She crossed over 3 backyards to get to her little friends' down the street.
Of course we watched her the whole way and made sure she was in plain sight. Then we gathered Zakry in the stroller and walked down to get her about 10 minutes later or so. I know that the future will hold lots and lots of playing with the neighbors and running around from house to house on our little street, but it was just a surreal moment today. Bitter/sweet! :( :)

As for Zakry he's seeming to be happier and happier with every passing day. Jumping away in his jumperoo and enjoying life, finally! He's sleeping like a perfect little baby lately, only waking up once or twice in the night and going back to sleep without a peep after being fed. As long as I lay him in his crib, even naps have become quite the breeze. He goes pretty much right to sleep if he is truly tired.

Rob is going to switch jobs. Sounds crazy to be quitting a job in these economic times, but he has an offer that he really believes will be best for him and our finances. I am all for him doing whatever makes him happier and at peace.
His current job is a 90 mile drive one way and has completely exhausted him. The job he's going to be switching to is only 60 miles away but he will be carpooling with either 3 or 4 other guys who live in our area. So this will save us about $400 a month! That sounds great to me!
But what's even better than that is that he'll be with his best friend and some other guys that he worked with when he very first started working construction, 10 years ago. He's very very excited about this new endeavor and I believe that God has it all worked out, knowing Rob needs a change!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Zakry hit a milestone!

Zakry sat up for about 15 minutes straight yesterday. He was in a very relaxed mood (not kicking and rearing backwards like usual) and therefore he just sat there forever just looking at us. It was so cute. My mom took some pictures, so I'll post them as soon as she sends them to me. I tried sitting him up today though and he just kept rearing backwards and using his feet to try to stand up. I know that boy would rather run around than to sit up! LoL...he just thinks he's so big.

Morgan had the stomach bug the last few days. Monday night she threw up every 15 minutes for 3 hours and then every 2 hours for the next 12 hours after that. Let's just say I'm still doing laundry from it and it was a very long night. Thankfully noone else has got sick in our house yet. I think my dad may have got it though. Yuck! :( But Zakry, Rob, and I seem to be clear so far!

I took Zakry for his 6 month well exam yesterday. They want to have him tested for protein allergies because he is still wheezing. He started wheezing when he got RSV back in January but the wheezing has never completely gotten better, so the doc is thinking maybe it's an allergy and if so, i will have to switch to Nutramigen which is a formula that will cost me approximately $60 a week!!! Yuck! Let's pray that it is not an allergy and that he will get better soon!!!

Morgan has been so so sick lately she really hasn't said anything extra funny or clever to use for the quote of the day, but i'm sure i'll have one before too long! :)

I'm not sure how to make this blog anymore exciting so that people enjoy following it. I only have a few followers and I'm not really sure how to get more followers either...but whatever. I guess if anyone has any suggestions on what to do to make it more enjoyable to read, let me know! But really I'm doing this so my kids can read it when they're older so i guess it doesn't matter if anyone reads it, but it is cool to get comments and stuff. :) I am a little envious of my cousin, Heather's amazing blog. Her's is so fun and interesting and like a million people follow her!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Sick again!

Both kids are sick AGAIN! I can't believe it. This has been the worst cold/flu season ever! Now they are both very cranky, runny noses, coughing...Morgan was running fever...etc. I am taking them both to the docs today to see what's up. I'm supposing it's just viral and of course there's nothing they can do for that. So $40 later, a 40 minute drive each way later and 2 or more hours taken out of my day and probably no medicines for them. :( I love that my doctor doesn't just throw out meds easily but it's frustrating when your kids are sick and there's nothing you can do for them.

I'm ready to just go on a long vacation and on my way out the door i'll spray a whole bunch of lysol everywhere and hopefully decontaminate the house. I need something to really help the kids' immune systems so they will stop getting sick! Any suggestions?!

As for me, hopefully I don't get sick. And hopefully Rob doesn't get sick. He already has such a stiff neck he didn't think he could even work today...and then I bumped my head really hard on the corner of the phone bill drop box...ouch! Right on my temple and I have a big bump and a headache.

Wow...what a whiny complainy post! Sorry! :)

Quote of the Day:

From over the weekend...
Rob was being goofy and yelling about wanting me to make popcorn and Morgan started yelling in a very serious tone:

"Stop it, Stop it daddy, STOP BEING CRAZY!!" Her way of pronouncing the words was sooo funny and cute. We seriously almost fell off the couch laughing!