I know this sounds like an everyday average thing, but it felt so weird seeing my baby girl walking down to the neighbors to play. She crossed over 3 backyards to get to her little friends' down the street.
Of course we watched her the whole way and made sure she was in plain sight. Then we gathered Zakry in the stroller and walked down to get her about 10 minutes later or so. I know that the future will hold lots and lots of playing with the neighbors and running around from house to house on our little street, but it was just a surreal moment today. Bitter/sweet! :( :)
As for Zakry he's seeming to be happier and happier with every passing day. Jumping away in his jumperoo and enjoying life, finally! He's sleeping like a perfect little baby lately, only waking up once or twice in the night and going back to sleep without a peep after being fed. As long as I lay him in his crib, even naps have become quite the breeze. He goes pretty much right to sleep if he is truly tired.
Rob is going to switch jobs. Sounds crazy to be quitting a job in these economic times, but he has an offer that he really believes will be best for him and our finances. I am all for him doing whatever makes him happier and at peace.
His current job is a 90 mile drive one way and has completely exhausted him. The job he's going to be switching to is only 60 miles away but he will be carpooling with either 3 or 4 other guys who live in our area. So this will save us about $400 a month! That sounds great to me!
But what's even better than that is that he'll be with his best friend and some other guys that he worked with when he very first started working construction, 10 years ago. He's very very excited about this new endeavor and I believe that God has it all worked out, knowing Rob needs a change!